Course Syllabus
ANB 290 – Seminar in Animal Behavior
Grade Mode: 1 unit, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Fridays, 12:10 - 1:30 pm in 1150 Hart Hall
Goals of this course:
- Expand students’ understanding of current research trends in the field of Animal Behavior, including research in both basic and applied areas of behavior.
- Develop students’ ability to pose informed questions to experts in Animal Behavior about the research discussed during seminars.
- Develop students’ ability to describe their own research interests to experts conducting Animal Behavior research, and to their peers in a public forum.
Course expectations
Graduate students enrolled in ANB 290 are expected to:
- Attend at least 9 of the 10 seminars scheduled for this quarter
- Engage in at least two "seminar interactions" during the quarter
Seminar interactions with speakers can take place during the question-and-answer portion of the seminar, during graduate student lunches with speakers, during scheduled one-on-one meetings with speakers, or during dinners for speakers hosted by the Animal Behavior Graduate Group. Serving as the primary host for a speaker counts as two seminar interactions, due to the extensive time involved.
In addition, graduate students in the Animal Behavior Graduate Group are encouraged to deliver two talks in ANB 290 during their PhD program: one half-hour progress talk during their 3rd or 4th year, and an hour-long exit seminar upon completion of their PhD. Delivering either type of talk counts as two seminar interactions.
To receive a passing grade, enrolled students should sign in on the attendance sheet circulated at each seminar to confirm their presence, and enter details of at least 2 seminar interactions on this Canvas site (in the Assignments section) by the end of the quarter.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |