Course Syllabus

EEC206 Digital Image Processing

Time and Location: TR 12:10-1:30P on Zoom. Simply click on the link on Canvas menu.

All lectures are recorded and can be accessed through under Canvas' Zoom menu. 


Dr. Samson Cheung
Phone: 859-218-0299
Office: 3103 Kemper Hall
Office Hours: MWF 11-12 @  or book appointment at


Catalog Description:

Two-dimensional systems theory, image perception, sampling and quantization, transform theory and applications, enhancement, filtering and restoration, image analysis, and image processing systems.


Learning Outcomes:

This course introduces digital image processing. It focuses on the theory and algorithms underlying a range of tasks including acquisition and formation, enhancement, segmentation, and representation. By the end of this course, students will be able to

  1. explain how digital images are represented and manipulated, including reading, writing, displaying, extracting pixel and color information as well as performing basic transformations like color space conversion and spatial-frequency transformation. 
  2. write a program that implements fundamental image processing algorithms;
  3. be conversant with the mathematical description of image processing techniques and know how to go from the equations to code, and
  4. to apply techniques learned in the course to solve practical image processing problems.



  • Basic familiarity with Python
  • Elementary Probabilities and Statistics, eg. EEC161 
  • Signals and Systems, eg. EEC150B



  • Required: Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing 4th Edition (DIP/4e), Prentice Hall, 2018. [Book website]
  • Optional: Khan et al., A Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Visions, 2018. [Book website, online access through UC Davis library]
  • Additional material will be provided by instructors.



  1. Digital Image Fundamentals
  2. Image Sensing and Representations
  3. Intensity Transformation and Spatial Filtering
  4. Color Image Processing
  5. Transformation Techniques From Fourier to Wavelet 
  6. Image and Video Compression
  7. Basic Image Features and Segmentation
  8. Deep-learning based Image Processing Techniques


Course Assignment:

  1. Online homework will be assigned throughout the semester via Canvas.
  2. Team-based (2 students) programming assignments will be assigned through Google Colaboratory platform. Proper documentation of the code, and sample runs and/or graphs must be included to demonstrate the correctness of the implementation
  3. There will be an midterm but no final examination.
  4. There will be a team-based final project (2-3 students) based on the substantial work of a topic selected by the team and approved by the instructor.
  5. The final project has both a final presentation and a report.


Online Exam:

Exams in this course will be online and will be proctored by Lockdown browser. This gives you the flexibility to schedule exams at your convenience and take them wherever you’d like within a 24-hour window.


Course Grading:

Your grade will be based on:


Homework and Programming Assignments


Paper presentation 




Final Project




Grading scale 90–100% = A, 80–89% = B, 70–79% = C, 60–69% = D, below 60% = E


Course Policy:

  1. All assignments and reports are due on Canvas at 11:59pm on the due dates. 
  2. No late submission or makeup exam unless you have a valid reason with proper documentation submitted before the due date.
  3. All course materials are copyrighted and should not be re-posted outside the university.
  4. While students are encouraged to discuss course topics inside and outside of the classroom, individual assignments must be based on individual efforts and team assignments must include discussions on the division of labors. 
  5. Any forms of plagiarism and cheating are straightly prohibited. Violation will result in zero on the assignment and a letter to the department chair. See for details.


Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:

The university is committed to ensuring equal academic opportunities and inclusion for students with disabilities based on the principles of independent living, accessible universal design, and diversity. I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for academic accommodations are to be made during the first two weeks of the quarter, except for unusual circumstances. Students are encouraged to register with Disability Center ( to verify their eligibility for appropriate accommodations.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due