Course Syllabus

Download BCCE_Online_Instructor_Orientation_Class_Syllabus.pdf

Course description

In this course, you will learn about teaching an online course for Bellevue College Continuing Education. This course describes your role as an online course mentor or instructor, introduces you to the Canvas learning management system, and lets you experience what it is like to be an online student in a Bellevue College Continuing Education course.

Learning objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe your role and responsibilities as a course mentor
  • Describe a typical Continuing Education student
  • Log in to your class and navigate Canvas, the online course software used by Bellevue College
  • Communicate with students using the different Canvas communication channels and tools
  • Grade assignments in Canvas and track student progress
  • Set up your class in Canvas


We assume that you have basic computer skills, including the following:

  • Basic familiarity with popular software applications such as Microsoft Office
  • Familiarity with one or more of the commonly used browsers, for example, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome
  • The ability to send, reply to, forward, and attach files to email
  • The ability to download files to your computer and upload files

System and technology requirements

You will need the following:

Course points and requirements

This course is worth 25 points. Completing this course is optional, but we highly recommend that you finish it to ensure that you are an effective course mentor and can use Canvas efficiently.

Course schedule

This is an open-ended independent study course. You can begin and end the course at any time.

Course structure

  • There are seven instructional modules
  • Each module includes one or more of the following learner activities: 
    • Reading
    • Viewing videos
    • Taking quizzes

Estimated effort 

You should allow two to three hours to read the course content, view the videos, and take the quizzes.

Textbooks and resources

  • Textbook: This course has no required textbook. The course content is presented in the Canvas modules.
  • Canvas resources: The Canvas Help Center has videos, user guides, a community forum, and access to Canvas Support.

Course overview

Getting Started

Describes the first steps you need to take and how to be successful in this course.


    1. Read the course syllabus.
    2. Take the quiz: Skills check 1: Course syllabus
    3. Preview the course modules.
    4. Start with MODULE 1.

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MODULE 1: Before You Start Teaching

Gives an overview of the administrative process of becoming an instructor

Learning objectives

    • Describe the process for becoming a Bellevue College Continuing Education instructor
    • Create your NetID credentials for logging into your course


    1. Read Becoming a Continuing Education Instructor
    2. Read Your Bellevue College Account Credentials

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MODULE 2: About Continuing Education Courses

Describes Continuing Education course policies and formats

Learning objectives

    • Describe the pass/fail policy for Continuing Education courses
    • Describe an asynchonous course in Continuing Eduction
    • Describe the structure and format of Continuing Education courses
    • Describe the different types of student activities available in Canvas


    1. Read Pass/Fail Policy and Course Points
    2. Take the quiz:  Skills check 2: Pass/fail policy and course points
    3. Read About Online and Asynchronous Learning
    4. Read Course Structure and Format
    5. Review the sample course components.

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MODULE 3: Mentoring an Online Continuing Education Class

Describes the role and key responsibilities of being an online course mentor

Learning objectives

    • Describe the role and responsibilities of an online course mentor
    • Describe the students that take continuing education and online courses
    • Describe what to expect from students
    • Describe the course policy on your availability as a mentor


    1. Read Role and Responsibilities of an Online Course Mentor
    2. Take the quiz: Skills check 3: Role of the online course mentor
    3. Read About Your Students
    4. Read What to Expect from Your Students
    5. Take the quiz: Skills check 4: Availability and response times

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MODULE 4: Accessing and Navigating Your Course

Shows how to log in to Canvas, access your course, and navigate in Canvas

Learning objectives

    • Log in to your Canvas class
    • Navigate to commonly used features in Canvas


    1. Watch the video in Logging In to Your Class
    2. Watch the video in Navigating Canvas

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MODULE 5: Communicating with Your Students

Describes the responsibilities of the course mentor in communicating with students and demonstrates the different communication channels in Canvas

Learning objectives

    • Describe the responsibilities of the course mentor in communicating with students
    • Describe the different communication options open to course mentors
    • Send email and respond to students
    • Send announcements
    • Post to a discussion board
    • Set up a mentor-student conference
    • Chat with students


    1. Read Communicating with Your Students
    2. Take the quiz: Skills check 5: Communicating with students
    3. Read The "Welcome" Message
    4. Watch the Canvas videos

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MODULE 6: Grading Assignments

Describes grading for pass/fail Continuing Education classes and demonstrates how to use Canvas grading features

Learning objectives

    • Describe the factors affecting grading in a pass/fail course
    • Develop strategies for managing your time
    • Grade an assignment using the Canvas SpeedGrader and other grading features


    1. Read Reviewing and Grading Assignments
    2. Take the quiz: Skills check 6: Grading assignments
    3. View the Canvas videos

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MODULE 7: Preparing for Your Canvas Class

 Describes the steps you need to take to prepare your class before it starts

Learning objectives

    • Update your bio or profile
    • Create due dates for assignments in Canvas
    • Set your notification preferences
    • Create a welcome notice for students


1. Read Preparing for Your Class and Writing the "Welcome" message
2. View the following videos:

3. Take the quiz: Skills check 7: Preparing for your Canvas class

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Grading policy and late assignments

Not applicable. No grade is issued for this course. Assignments, quizzes, and discussions are assigned points for demonstration purposes only. 

Communicating with your course mentor

You can communicate with a course mentor through the Canvas email system or by directly sending an email to the mentor's college email address. The course mentor will try to respond to your email within two business days.

Mentor contact information and hours

Mark Veljkov

Office hours: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. M-F

Stephanie Johnson

Office hours: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. M-F

Online policies

  • Participating in an online class: We expect students in an online class to meet the specified course requirements to get the most out of the course and their investment in it. Students should communicate with the course mentor if they have any questions or concerns about the course format or course content.
  • Netiquette: We expect course participants to be respectful, courteous, and constructive in all communications with the course mentor and other learners, including in email exchanges, discussions, peer reviews, and collaborative projects.  Read the formal Bellevue College policies 1440 Prevention of Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation  and 2050 Student Code, particularly "Prohibited Student Conduct" section, number 5 "Cyber-Misconduct."

Accessibility and accommodation services

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) at Bellevue College provides accommodation services to students with documented disabilities. For information about the DRC and its services:

Visit its website at 

Call (425) 564-2498

Go to B132 at the Bellevue College Main (South) Campus

See Bellevue College Continuing Education Accessibility for more information.

Academic integrity

We expect students to do original work and to follow fair use guidelines in using the work of others, including citing all sources and references. For help with citation formats, see Bellevue College Library Media Center: Citations. For guidelines on fair use, see Purdue OWL: Strategies for Fair Use.

Getting help

Questions about the course: Contact your course mentor if you have any questions about the course requirements, course content, course format, assignments, grading, or assessments.

Problems with Canvas: Course mentors can usually help you with basic problems you might encounter in Canvas. If they are unable to help you, please go to the Canvas Help Center.

Student ID or log-in problems: For assistance with your NetID, password, or log-in problems, contact the Technology Help Desk.

Registration: For assistance with your registration or other issues related to taking a Continuing Education course, contact Customer Service:

Phone: (425) 564-2263


Fax: (425) 564-3113

Student resources and services


The list below provides links to all assignments, discussions, and quizzes in this course. In a course where learning activities have assigned due dates, the dates are shown, and the activities appear in order of the date of required completion.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due