Course Syllabus
Instructor: Adam Getchell (
Guest Instructor: Elizabeth Foster (
TAs: Adam Groszkiewicz (, TK Miyano (
Location: ARC Martial Arts room, MW 11-noon.
Overview: This class is an introduction to the Korean martial art of Hapkido, which means “the way of coordinated power”. Hapkido techniques include rolls, falls, kicks and jump kicks, strikes, blocks, joint locks and manipulations, throwing, grappling, sweeps, pressure points, and meditation.
Purpose: To have fun, get a workout, and get a very basic introduction into martial arts in general, and Hapkido in particular.
What to wear: Loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Bare feet only on the mat: no shoes or socks. Please take off or safely bandage any jewelry, piercing, etc. Also, since you will be working with a partner (at times rather closely) maintain your personal cleanliness. Especially keep your finger- and toe- nails trimmed and clean.
Grading: There are three possible grades for the class: Pass, No Pass, or Incomplete.
To pass the class, you must:
- Have 80% attendance (generally, 3 or fewer absences)
- Take the practical on the last day of class (Wednesday, June 7th)
- Pass the final exam with a score of 70% or greater (3 attempts allowed)
- Turn in a 2 page paper reflecting what you have learned in PE Hapkido this quarter.
Both the final exam and paper will be made available for submission in Canvas on the last day of class. Both will be due by December 14th. Do not email me your final paper.
I will only give an Incomplete for a good, documented reason (such as advice from a physician). The most common reason students receive a “No Pass” is that they don’t bother to drop the class.
I will excuse absences for a good reason if you let me know in advance (preferably by e-mail). Otherwise, a missed class can be made up by adding 2 pages to your "Reflections paper" due at the end of the quarter. You cannot makeup more than 3 classes in this fashion.
Attendance and Makeup must be marked by me to be counted. You may check your attendance at any time. It is your responsibility to notify me of any discrepancies.
Legal Disclaimer:
There are risks and dangers inherent in participating and/or receiving instruction in a PE 1 activity course. Injury resulting from participation is always a possibility in physical activity. Please carefully follow the guideline provided by your instructor and adhere to any rules established by the instructor. Please notify your instructor immediately if you become injured or ill, or feel that you shouldn’t participate in a given activity. Unless otherwise expressly indicated by the student, the assumption is that the student is in good health and is capable of participating in all facets of the physical activity related to this class.
Class format: We will warm-up, do light aerobics, stretching, etc. before proceeding into the days’ lesson. This is for your own protection: a proper warm-up will reduce the risk of injury. We will be working with a partner for many techniques; always introduce yourself. You should take care of each other. I will demonstrate techniques – go easy the first time through. There are different sanity levels in class. You don’t have to do everything I do! Stay in your own comfort zone – it’s okay to try new and unusual things, as long as you have fun and are safe.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |