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SPA 131N 001 WQ 2022
Drawing from literature, visual arts, film, and cultural objects, this course provides a broad overview of the literature, culture, and history of Spain’s frequently contested Modernity (18th-21st centuries), We will explore the major aesthetic movements of Spanish literature and culture from 1700 to the present, with a focus on Spain’s cultural complexity, its imperial history and postcolonial cultural legacies, and Spanish peripheral identities. Students will develop their analytical and critical skills to close-read Spanish literary texts, question the canon formation, and engage with the literary construction of the nation. Historical connections between Spain, Africa, and America will also be examined. This course will be taught entirely in Spanish. Students should be able to read, speak, and write in Spanish comfortably in order to succeed. *All the course materials will be available in a Course Reader and in CANVAS.
SPA 100 001 WQ 2022
Descripción del curso Español 100 es un curso introductorio al análisis textual y crítico (close reading) de obras literarias y producción cultural de España y Latinoamérica. A través de diversas actividades prácticas los estudiantes adquirirán la metodología y el vocabulario crítico necesario para analizar de forma oral o escrita diversos géneros literarios—poesía, narrativa— y fílmicos del mundo hispánico, y entender sus implicaciones estéticas, históricas y socio-culturales. Este curso sienta las bases de cursos avanzados del Department of Spanish and Portuguese. La evaluación del curso se basará en las asistencia y participación en las discusiones de clase, así como en actividades escritas y quizzes. Leer, hablar y escribir en español cómodamente son requisitos necesarios para superar el trimestre. Todos los materiales y lecturas estarán disponibles en el Course Reader y en CANVAS. SPA 100 is an introduction to textual analysis with literary readings and films from Spain and Latin America. This course deals with literary genres, such as poetry, narrative, and drama, and also with cultural productions like movies and documentaries. SPA 100 is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to acquire basic technical vocabulary and methodological tools for applying the principles of literary and cinema criticism to Hispanic cultural production. SPA 100 prepares participants for more specialized upper-division courses. Students will be evaluated primarily based on their participation in class discussions, written assignments, and quizzes. This course will be taught entirely in Spanish. Students should be able to read, speak, and write in Spanish comfortably in order to succeed. All the course materials will be available in a Course Reader and in CANVAS.