Study Equilibration Midterm Exam (proctored by Honorlock)

  • Due Oct 17 at 10pm
  • Points 1
  • Questions 10
  • Available Oct 14 at 5pm - Oct 21 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 10 Minutes


  • You get to answer 9 questions in 10 min > 1 min per question, which is faster than in the real exam (you'll get 1.5min there), but still about what most students need. Don't stress out but keep on moving along.
  • Read each question carefully. There might be little details you should pay attention to. Then think about your answers carefully. The exam tests for a deeper understanding, not for word recognition.
  • Each question is locked after you answer it. You cannot go back.
  • You are allowed to have a drink on your deskNothing else is allowed on your table, and your room might be checked.
  • All other windows or programs must be closed/turned off, including browser extensions.
  • You MUST close all windows/tasks/programs not demanded by the exam. The system will check for this and you will be flagged if other programs are open.
  • Your phone and any other mobile device in reach must be COMPLETELY turned off
  • You are not allowed to copy any aspect of your exam. The attempt to copy or take screenshots will result in 0 points on the exam (be aware that you are recorded).
  • You might be asked to complete a 360- degree room and desk pan with your webcam including the area underneath the computer monitor, laptop, keyboard, and mouse. 
  • Keep your eyes forward towards the exam screen. Don't be afraid to drift off in thoughts, but systematically looking off to the side repeatedly will raise the AI's suspicion.
  • I wish you that this exam helps you to get adjusted to this class and its online testing method, and wish you Good Luck!!! 

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