Practice Exam midterm (_PROCTORED by Examity)
- Due Aug 21, 2021 at 8pm
- Points 30.01
- Questions 10
- Available Aug 12, 2021 at 7am - Aug 21, 2021 at 8pm
- Time Limit None
This practice exam has two purposes: (1) get you used to the test setting; (2) get you used to the kind of questions. It consists of 8 questions, worth 3.75 extra credit points each (total of 3% of your final grade). You CANNOT lose anything (extra credit), only improve your final grade, but study some beforehand, so you obtain all possible extra credit points!
- You have about 1 min per question: 9 questions in 9 min.
- Read each question carefully. There might be little details you should pay attention to. Then think about your answers carefully. The exam tests for a deeper understanding, not for word recognition.
- Each question is being locked after you answer it. You cannot go back.
- During the exam, you are allowed to use the following ONLINE SCRATCH PAPER in a separate browser window/tab:
- Nothing is allowed on your table, and your room will be checked.
- The attempt to take screenshots or record/copy anything will result in 0 points on the exam (you are watched).
- You must notify your proctor when you submit. If you disconnect from the proctor without notice, you can receive 0 points on the exam.
- Good Luck!!!
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