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Works Cited page
Works Cited page
Criteria Ratings Pts
Overall document formatting
threshold: pts
25 pts
The Works Cited page is correctly formatted (Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced, hanging indent, with entries in alphabetical order).
20 pts
Formatting is mostly correct with minor errors.
15 pts
Formatting is partially correct with significant errors.
10 pts
Formatting is mostly incorrect.
0 pts
No Marks
25 pts
threshold: pts
10 pts
One of your sources is a book & it is cited correctly.
5 pts
Some guidance needed.
0 pts
You did not cite a book.
10 pts
Encyclopedia Article
threshold: pts
10 pts
One of your sources is an encyclopedia article & it is cited correctly.
5 pts
Some guidance needed.
0 pts
You did not cite an encyclopedia article.
10 pts
threshold: pts
10 pts
One of your sources is a website & it is cited correctly.
5 pts
Some guidance needed.
0 pts
You did not cite a website.
10 pts
Scholarly Journal Article
threshold: pts
10 pts
One of your sources is a scholarly journal article & it is cited correctly.
5 pts
Some guidance needed.
0 pts
You did not cite a scholarly journal article.
10 pts
Other Database Source
threshold: pts
10 pts
One of your sources cited is another source from a subscription database & it is cited correctly.
5 pts
Some guidance needed.
0 pts
You did not choose an appropriate source.
10 pts
Total Points: 75 out of 75