3rd Session- Social Network Analysis
- Due Apr 22, 2018 at 8:59pm
- Points 30
- Questions 7
- Time Limit None
Follow the instructions of the tutorial video and pdf on the site of this Session: 3rd Session- Social Network Analysis 1 .
You MUST work with the databases from the two channels you scraped in the previous lab: 2nd Session- Web scraping task .
Several of the following questions require you to take and upload screenshots. Screenshots (taken on Mac or Windows) will be in image format (extensions like .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .TIFF, .GIF, .BMP, .PDF, etc).
If you have run into problems, you can always asks the world's most popular research assistant: google.com
Just search for whatever problem shows up. Also, please feel free to ask questions in Piazza and/or coordinate with others through Study Groups Coordination .
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